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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Redguard:The Edler Scrolls System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-04-12 07:18:12 Views : 21812 Any Item Hit F12 to bring down the console screen and then type: Item add,#. For example; To get Gold (Item #2) type in: Item add,2 Item Listing (1) = ??? (2) = gold. (3) = stoneskin potion. (4) = health potion. (5) = ring of invisibility. (6) = Vola's Ring (7) = sabre. (8) = rusty key. (9) = gold key. (10) = silver key. (11) = amulet. (12) = soul gem. (13) = soul sword. (14) = crowbar. (15) = peg rune. (16) = peg rune 2. (17) = peg rune 3. (18) = ??? (19) = orc's blood. (20) = orc's blood with ... (21) = spider's milk. (22) = spider's milk with ... (23) = ectoplasm. (24) = ectoplasm with ... (25) = Hist sap. (26) = Hist sap with ... (27) = Dwarven lore book. (28) = Dwarven gear. (29) = glass vial. (30) = glass vial filled with elixir. (31) = iron weight. (32) = bucket. (33) = bucket full of water. (34) = gauntlet rune. (35) = Elven Artifact book. (36) = ??? (37) = Redguard Heroes book. (38) = Hammerfell book on Flora. (39) = map from Makio. (40) = leather pouch of gold. (41) = Crendel's stolen map. (42) = silver boat. (43) = shovel. (44) = aloe. (45) = torch. (46) = monocle eyepiece. (47) = flag. (48) = silver locket. (49) = league insignia parchment. (50) = Joto's Jail map. (51) = Flask of Lillandril. (52) = Hundings Tailsman. (53) = Izsara's Journal. (54) = feather. (55) = Kithral's journal. The dead monk. (56) = Folks Firmament book. (57) = Izara's journal locked. (58) = star stone. (59) = key to warehouse. (60) = key Izara's house. (61) = spell. (62) = ??? (63) = ??? (64) = glass bottle empty. (65) = glass bottle with water. (66) = glass bottle mixed with water and aloe. (67) = strength potion. (68) = bandage. (69) - bandage with blood. (70) = sabre. (71) = sabre. (72) = sabre. (73) = sabre. (74) = bone key. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Redguard:The Edler Scrolls cheat codes.
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